About Alli Hill
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Real advice from one freelancer to another.
What is Fleurish Freelance?
Freelancing was a life-changing decision for me. Now, I’m paying it forward by helping other freelancers start and grow successful solo careers.
I left the 9-to-5 roller coaster to set my own hours, give myself a raise, and spend more time living and loving life.
From building a personal brand to boosting credibility, landing good clients to actually getting paid, building a career that works the way you do, and working from home without losing your mind - cut through the clutter and get real tips and advice on how to succeed as a freelancer.
Hi, I’m Alli - freelance copy and content writer, coach, speaker, and mom of two. I love French fries, hiking, the moon, thunderstorms, and prosecco. I’m creative, and sometimes funny.
My Story
How many people can say they fulfilled their childhood dreams? I can. By age 4, I had a writing career in my sight. But it wasn’t until 8 years after graduating college with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications that I finally made good on my promise.
During those 8 years, I felt stuck. I thought I had to work for someone else before I could start my own business. I didn’t know how to offer writing services or what to charge. I thought freelance writers only worked for magazines and newspapers. And I heard the hours were terrible and the pay was minimal.
Those limiting beliefs built a wall between me and my writing dreams. Luckily, I found the door.
Two years after finally landing a full-time writing job (which ended up being mostly customer service, not writing), I took an online content marketing course for work. It gave me some great insights into a field I didn’t really know existed. On the surface, I was learning how content marketing works and how I could apply it to my job. But deep below, it inspired me. I realized I could make a living creating content for other people.
Within two weeks, I got my first client. Within a few months, my part-time earnings from writing nearly equaled what I was making at my full-time job. And within three years — having taken my freelance writing full-time — I tripled my salary.
I wasn’t just doing it for the money, though. I loved the flexibility my business offered.
I could set my own schedule, not have to be behind a desk at 8:00 AM on the dot.
I could leave work in the middle of the day for vet appointments, doctor appointments, kid’s field trips, and other activities without having to ask permission or have someone cover my phone and inbox.
I could work in my car while waiting in the school pickup line.
I could work at night if I wasn’t feeling well during the day.
I could start dinner in the slow cooker or transfer laundry in between projects.
Ultimately, I built a career around my life, not the other way around. I don’t have to try to fit into a position that was never made for me in the first place.
To be, that’s the very definition of work/life balance.
Alli Hill has been freelance writing for 6+ years. Here’s why.

Be in business for yourself, not by yourself.
Learn every day, grow every day.
Where to next?
Get the fundamentals of freelancing and beyond with my online courses, checklists, and other resources.
I am now booking speaking engagements for conferences, workshops, webinars, podcasts, and interviews.
Get no-BS tips, tricks, and insights from me and my guest bloggers - always rich and always free.